2023 The Year of Rabbit Drawing Contest for World Peace

Sincere thank yous to our judges and volunteers who have made this Drawing Contest and Drawing Exhibition possible. Below are the winners of the 2023 Millburn Lunar New Year Youth Drawing Contest.

Group A: K - Grade 2

Maxwell Dai

1st place

Charles Li

2nd place

Katelyn Ooi

3rd place

Suki Jiang

Most Potential Award

Caroline Qian

Most Potential Award

William Zhou

Best Color Award

Gina Hu

Best Color Award

Xunmo Gu

Most Creative Award

Olivia Chen

Most Creative Award

Yueyang Liu

Most Creative Award

Group B: Grade 3 - 5

Alicia Zhu

1st place

Jason Zhang

2nd place

Chelsea Li

3rd place

Emily Zhang

Most Potential Award

Zhiyan Ding

Best Color Award

Abby Song

Most Creative Award

Group C: Grade 6 - 12

Ethan Liu

1st place

Madison Zhao

2nd place

Ava Zhong

3rd place

Winners were announced at the Millburn Lunar New Year Festival on March 5, 2023.  Each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners was presented with a Certificate of Achievement and a gift card.  Each of the Honorable Mentions received a Certificate of Achievement and an Award Ribbon.  All drawings are available to be picked up at the Millburn Short Hills Chinese Association office, Millburn High School, Room 220, on Sundays, 9 am - 12 pm. Each participant in the contest will be given a Participation Ribbon when picking up drawings. Thank you for your participation in the contest, and congratulations to our winners.

Lastly, our special thanks to our judges, Mr. Timothy Tsao, Ms. Marta Nowicka, and Ms. Manman Huang, for their time and dedication to this contest.

Timothy Tsao (曹文侯)  在美执教绘画多年,使用自编教 材,英汉双语指导学生绘画,授课 范围由初级班至成人班,内容包含 卡通,速写。素描,水彩,钢笔水 彩,粉画和油画等,课上示范,与 学生互动,激发学生习画兴趣和对 生活的观察,受学生喜爱并颇有成 效。其中多名学生获奖,一名参加 全美中学生绘画赛,获奖受邀代表 新泽西州赴白宫领奖,另两名于 2009年赴京参加全国及海外青少年 大赛,分获金、银奖等。 本人在习画生涯中曾受惠于雕塑油 画大师张充仁先生,水彩画大师哈 定先生的指导,特别是曾获北京中 央工艺美院校长一阿老先生多年亲 授。 曾自2002起在新泽西州以水彩,素 描,粉画和油画等参展,并获奖。

Marta Nowicka is a visual artist -  painter, printmaker, digital artist, and designer. Marta is redefining abstract expressionism on her own terms. Her works are fun and experimental, spanning mediums and combining techniques such as painting, printmaking, digital art, and more. The bold, vibrant colors and focus on abstracted images come from an intuitive exploration of the interactions of colors, shapes, and textures in our world. Her works take the viewer to abstract worlds and imaginary lands. Originally from Warsaw, Poland, but since 2020, she is based in Summit, NJ. Marta discovered her passion for art in 2016 and since then she has studied art in art schools in Poland, the UK, and the US. Marta's artworks were exhibited during group shows in Europe and the US. Collectors of her work are also located on both continents. Apart from being an artist, Marta is also an intercultural trainer and coach. 

More about Marta 




Manman Huang is an artist, a native of China and former educator. She has solo and joint exhibitions, conducted workshops at several libraries, displayed at Rutgers University and other organizations, i.e., the NJ Arts Annual 2023. Her paintings have been collected by a historical museum and Maplewood library permanently. She teaches ink painting workshops regularly and hosts monthly bilingual storytime at local libraries, bridging the Eastern and Western style. Manman holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a master’s in history.  She has been dedicated to teaching children language, art, and culture. She lives in Maplewood, NJ. Manman’s work is currently exhibiting in the New Jersey Arts Annual group show at The Noyes Museum of Arts until June 2023 and at the Sawyer Seminar at Rutgers University through April 2023. She has participated in the Maplewood Artwalk and SOMA Studio Tour. Her signature rabbit ink artwork was the logo for Lunar Fest NJ 2023, which appeared in advertisements, headline artwork and merchandise. 

More about Manman and her works 


